Whether you are new to the area or have pre-deployment/post-deployment leave coming up, contact Linda Josey, NES Data Manager at (252)223-4201 for information.
- For enrollment information- check out the Inbound information section below.
- Pre-deployment or post-deployment leave coming up? Contact the school regarding needed documentation and the approval process for absences. Documentation is needed prior to the leave dates in order for the days to be considered an excused absence.
- Outbound document from MCAS Cherry Point School Liaison
- Notify Newport Elementary Data Manager, Linda Josey that your child will be leaving at least two weeks in advance.
- Request official transcripts
- Before the child's last day, ensure that you have the following documentation
- Most current report card
- Any additional paperwork - this would include medical, IEP, 504, AIG.
- If you are PCSing overseas, please contact Stephanie Gauthreaux to coordinate the transfer of records
- Find out the latest date your child can check out of school and still receive full credit
- Ask if credits can be completed after they leave the school district
- Request work that your child can do to keep current during the transfer
Military Contacts |
Newport Elementary Contacts |
- School Liaison Officer (Cherry Point): 252-466-7658
- School Liaison Officer (Camp Lejeune): 910-449-9749/9915
- Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP; Camp Lejeune): 910-451-4394
- Family Member Employment Assistance Program (FEMAP; Camp Lejeune): 910-450-1676
Helpful Links
Moving Support |
- PCS Support - Military school liaison contact information. Get information about school choice, school quality, special programs, and opportunities in the new area.
- Interstate Children's Compact Commission-Legislative support for school transitions. Protections are related to enrollment, eligibility, attendance, assessment, course waivers, gifted, and special education support. https://indd.adobe.com/view/f41d20ad-3121-4c98-ab68-61c4b7daec69
Exceptional Children Support |
Mental Health Support |
- F.O.C.U.S. - Families Overcoming Under Stress Resilience training and cognitive behavior support in 8 sessions. Virtual sessions are available.
- Prevention Education Parenting Courses Courses include: Triple P Parenting, Two Families Now (blended families), Emotion Coaching, Anger Management, Anger Management for Adolescents, Managing Work and Family Stress.
- New Parent Support Support and resources for families with a child aged 0-5 years old
- MCAS Cherry Point: Marine & Family Program
- Cherry Point School Liaison Facebook page
- Military Child Education Coalition Resource Library
- National Military Family Association
- Camp Corral- Camp Corral is a FREE, one-of-a-kind summer camp experience for military children ages 8 to 15. Registration priority is given to children of wounded, injured, ill, or fallen military service members on a first come first served basis. The remaining children will be placed on the camp's wait list and their application will be reviewed 60 days prior to the start of the session, if there are still spots available. This year there are 3 camp in NC including YMCA Camp Hanes in King, NC from July 4 - 9, Eastern 4-H Center in Columbia, NC from June 27 - July 2 and YMCA Camp Weaver in Greensboro, NC from Aug 1 - 6. Registration opens January 26th
General Resources |